It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I know that we have been all over the place with the decision to homeschool Carson or not, but when it came right down to un-enrolling him from regular school, I just couldn't do it. I took him with me because he wanted to say bye to his friends, but he just had a serious melt down and begged me to let him stay at school. I let him stay in the classroom while talking to the principals and the enrollment lady and I was set to take him home. He begged me and cried so I went back and talked to everyone and told them that I just couldn't do it after watching his meltdown. So we did not go through with un-enrolling him and we rescheduled a in full depth meeting with the entire team on Friday to discuss everything and get it all out on the table. As long as we can resolve the issues at hand, then I have no problem leaving him at school.
I am so exhausted emotionally and so stressed out over this decision because in all reality, I just want what is best for Carson.
I do have to say how thankful I am to all of my friends at ALA. They have been so supportive in whatever decision we make but at the same time they are trying everything they can to keep our kids there. I do think they have our kids best interest at heart even though I have been really frustrated. I'm hopeful that we can get past my biggest issue and move on. Carson wants to be at school. He wants to be with his friends and to be honest that is what I want for him as well.
This is how I feel about Carson's teacher right now. But I am hopeful that we can move on from this and put it behind us. She has caused some serious painful problems for us in the past couple of weeks and I am having a hard time getting past that. I feel this teacher needs to be more educated on kids with trauma.
Quynsie took this picture.
This is my emotionally drained and stressed face.
This makes all of the fighting I do for my kids well worth the fight and stress.
Carson's prayer: dear heavenly father please bless us and our family that we will be safe from harm and please bless Cody that his arm will heal. In the name of jesus Christ amen.

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