It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24, 2016
Quynsie with her friends up at Boondocks.
They went to Boondocks with the school as an end of year reward for not getting written up 3 or more times.
This is Quynsie with her friend Wes.
She says that she fell asleep on him on the way back from the Boondocks...Somehow, I don't think Wes minded.
Wes really is a sweet boy!!!
His family was in mine and Joe's ward when we all lived in Orem.
He comes from a great family who has taught him to respect women.
Autism and Sensory at its finest.
This is what he does while waiting for his sisters to finish therapy.
Notice, he does not have shoes on. If he could get away with it, he would prefer not wearing shoes period. Heck, he would rather not wear clothes either.
Today I went into the school to get carson's extra clothes and his glasses and I thought I was entering a mosh pit. Students were lining the hall with balloons and cheering the seniors on as they walked the hall getting high fives. It was kind of cool. It shows the younger ones what they have to look forward to.
Today I also got my new retainer finally!!! I have had so much dental work done, that my other retainer no longer fit. I never worried about it because my teeth didn't seem to shift until about 6 months ago I started noticing a small gap between two of my teeth. I was like oh heck no! We spent $5000 on braces and there was no way I was going to allow my teeth to shift. I marched my sorry behind back into the orthodontist and had them make me a new one.
Lets just say, I am not a fan tonight! My teeth hurt really bad tonight. I am sure the pay will go away in the next day or so, but dang, I forgot how it feels to move teeth. I will wear this thing full time for 8 weeks then I will go back for a check up and then we will go from there, but the hope is to be able to only wear it at night.

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