It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sorry I didn't blog about this last night. I was a bit frazzled after the entire day's events.
I was out running some errands when the school called.
It was the principal letting me know that I needed to come get Carson. He hit his face on a pole out on the playground and she thought that he would need stitches.
I got there and grabbed him and ran him to the urgent care down the road.
They were great. They got us in and out in about 30 minutes or so.
It was  a matter of time before this happened.
This boy is fearless.
He does not have time to be careful. He has things to do you know.


This girl here is our water baby.
She was having a blast.
She couldn't wait to get on that tube.
She is going to be the one that gets up on the ski's next summer.
She was upset when it was time to put the tube away and just cruise for awhile before heading back into the dock around 5.

We had a good time watching Quynsie get on the tube. Papa picked up some speed with her and she was loving it.

See, no wake. We towed Carson very slow so that there would not be any splash.

Raven started crying when Papa picked up some speed. She was not a fan.

Grammy and Papa invited us to go boating with them today.
Yes, Carson got in the water and the tube. YES, we were very CAREFUL to not get his head wet.

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