It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Friday, March 27, 2015

After trying for 12 years to have a family, there is not a day that goes by that I do not thank our Heavenly Father for our four amazing kids. We fully believe that they were meant to be ours from the beginning, they just had to come to us a different way and endure many hard trials before coming into our home. For whatever reason Heavenly Father trusted us to raise these children and to take on their hardships. We may not understand why he chose us, but we are so thankful he did.
Our life is not perfect, but we love these kids to the moon and back. We would do anything for them. They mean everything to us.
This post would not be complete without thanking our kids birth mom and birth dads for the opportunity to be these kids parents. Yes, their birth parents made some major mistakes, but one of the best things they did was bring these 4 amazing kids into the world and we will forever be grateful for that one fact.
This is normally true for our house. I clean the house while the kids are at school and 10 minutes after they get home, the kitchen looks like a tornado has gone through it. This backpack here and that one there and this homework folder on the floor and the other on the counter and so on.
Here is anther good one for you: You know your a mom when your holding your friends kid and they are rubbing on your boob and you don't even notice until your friend tells their kid to stop.
This happened yesterday as a matter of fact. I am so used to Carson doing that to me from time to time, that I didn't even notice that her little boy was doing it to me.
Raven called me from school today saying she didn't feel good. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she was dizzy, and her side and leg hurt. I reminded her what the rules are if she comes home from school. They have to stay in their bed, they don't get to play or watch T.V. They are too rest because if you are to sick to be at school then you are too sick to be playing around. She was fine with that (which if you know Raven, the T.V. is everything to her) so I went and got her. While I was there I went in and talked to her teacher and asked how she had been acting in class all morning. Her teacher said that she kept putting her off and telling her to wait until lunch to see how she felt. Finally at 11, her teacher sent her to call me because she could clearly see that she was not feeling well. Anyway, she stayed in bed all day and even slept for a couple of hours. Hopefully it goes away quickly because we don't have time for sickness around here right now. We have so much to get done around here in order for us to move.
My other thought is that maybe she is finally feeling anxiety about the move. This is the only place they have lived and had the stability that they need. This is home to them, and so leaving this home is stressful for them.

One last haircut for Carson before I pack my hair cutting supplies this weekend.
'One last hair cut for the boy before packing my hair cutting supplies this weekend.'

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