It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

This morning as I sat in the school parking lot I sat there crying. Quynsie decided that today she was going to break school dress code and wear leggings. I didn't notice till we were half way there. I decided that tough love was the way to go. I walked her in straight to the office and asked them to write her up and that I would bring her pants when I come pick Carson up for a doctors appointment.
I hate being that mean mom that teaches her kids what tough love is, but dang it this isn't the first time she has broke school dress code.
At the doctors office waiting to hear the results of Carson's Autism test.
Although I already knew what the results were, it is still hard hearing the doctor tell you that there is another thing wrong with your child, because if severe Tactile Sensory Processing Disorder, severe ODD,  and severe ADHD aren't enough, lets add on MILD AUTISM.
It is all so overwhelming. All I want for this boy and the rest of the kids, is to have a great chance at life and be successful.
I seriously do not know how some of you do it when your husbands are gone for long periods of time. Our house falls completely apart if Joe doesn't get home until after bedtime.
My kids do not do well with change especially Carson and Nadia and when their dad gets home at a different time every day, it is hard on them especially when he works late like he has done lately.
I am going to go out on a limb and guess that they are afraid of being abandond and him not coming home.
Yesterday on Day 1
Day 2! I can see a difference already.
This poor kid is in so much pain and there is nothing I can do about it.
She hates me right now for doing this for/to her, but I know that she will thank me later when it is all said and done.
Watching her eat tonight was painful. It took me back to when I had braces.
Her poor cheeks are swollen and it makes me sad.
But look at those pretty green eyes.

Quynsie is at Young Women's tonight.

1 comment:

  1. We do the best we can...and a disciplined child is a child who is the most loved. We punish them because we want them to grow up and be be upstanding members of their communities when they grow up. More parents should try to be parents...not friends...GREAT JOB BREA! Ravens' braces are doing their job alrighty lol...she is beautiful :-)
