It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016...Last weekend of Summer


Bartholomew Reservoir.
Family dinner.
Watermelon contest.
Playing in the water.
Good way to end summer vacation for us anyway.
All of the cousins (on both sides of the family) still have one more week before they go back.

Joe was able to give all of the kids a father's blessing. He also gave me a blessing.
He wanted us all to start the school year off right.
He wanted to make sure that we all felt the spirit and knew that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us and our trials. He reminded each of us that we can kneel and turn to our Father in Heaven in prayer and he will help guide us on those rough days. He blessed us all with patience.


Quynsie's first set of scriptures. she starts seminary Monday. someone please tell me when that happened? when did I become old enough for a 9th grader? #goinginstyle

We had a visit with Quynsie's birth dad after our family reunion.
I am so thankful that he is in a good place and is healthy.
He is very respectful of Joe and I as the parents.
He did not get mad about Quynsie calling him Michael and Joe dad.
Joe and I just sat back and watched the kids play and have fun with Michael.

I'm not trying to call anyone out here, but it was brought to my attention that I shouldn't allow my kids to throw tantrums in public.
1. In today's cases, this morning was at a fast food place with one child losing their crap. I immediately left and brought said child home to calm down.
2. A couple of hours later I decided everyone seemed to be in better spirts so I attempted to go to Walmart to get Quynsie some things for volleyball. After I had gotten what I needed I was standing in line at the checkout and left Quynsie to pay for the stuff while I took the other three kids to the car because one of them was completely out of control kicking me and calling me nasty names.
3. Yes, I tried taking them out the second time because if I don't keep trying to teach them how to act in public how else are they going to learn?
4. I don't always have a babysitter and sometimes like today, Quynsie had to go with me in order to try stuff on and when I take her, all of the kids must go (can't trust the other three to stay home by themselves, plus they are too young to stay home alone).
5. My opinion is this.... If my child is tantruming in public, I don't usually have an issue with it until there is physical harm to another person or themselves and they ate not destroying the store. As soon as one of these things happen, we are out of there. Every kid is going to throw a fit when they don't get what they want or the results they were looking for and yes sometimes this happens in public.
6. I am also raising traumatized children. One of which is autistic, has sensory disorder and is extremely oppositional defiant. This child thrives on an audience watching his disrespect towards everyone. The therapist keeps telling me to take this child out in public to help teach them how to behave.
7. I'm sorry, but I can only stay home in seclusion for so long. Things need to get done and sometimes that means talking my tantruming child out in public.

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