It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday February 23, 2016
Month 2 begins. She said after the bands where put on that she looked like she had broccoli and corn on her teeth. I am really excited for the changes we are already seeing. Her back teeth are starting to touch especially on the one side.
It's a miracle, I did my hair up all nice. I have had long hair for so long, that I forgot how much I love my short hair. It is easier to do fun things with.
1. Some of us have given up on s...ocial skills and don't care what we say or do.
2. We're not afraid to have a serious "meltdown" of our own.
3. We are tired and all the patience we have is for our kids.
4. We have a far shorter fuse for nonsense as a result of our responsibilities but A FAR thicker skin.
5. We can get you in a hold/lockdown position in less than 3.5 secs.
6.We can shoot you a look that would make a linebacker tremble in his boots.
7.Chances are it's been awhile since we've had a full night of sleep and that will give us a reason to plead insanity.
8. Our tolerance and patience is for our kids who didn't choose to have special needs, not for someone who CHOOSES to behave inappropriately and is ABLE to control their actions.
9. We're probably already on edge and it would be stupid to push us over.
10. We are sleep deprived and already defensive, and we spend all of our patience on our children, doctors, therapists, social workers and teachers, why would we waste an ounce of it on a total stranger?
11. We've had to fight from the moment of our child's birth so by the time you piss us off we're seasoned battlers and could win a war.
12.We devote our lives to our children and don't need more stress and people who don't understand our life.
13. Wherever there is a cub, there is a mama bear...We're always watching
It is exhausting every Tuesday dealing with 3 hours worth of travel and therapy time. Trying to entertain the 2 that don't see this therapist for 2 hours is a lot of work. Then you have the 30 minute drive to and then from that can get out of control.
Carson entertaining himself at therapy. Funny boy!

I love how this one turned out.

Just a little bit of advice:
Navigating relationships with our kids birth family has not been as easy as some might think. When you adopt through foster care all of a sudden we are the bad people and it's our fault. Come on people put your feelings aside and let's work together for the kids. My only hope is that my kids don't grow up hating all of us because we couldn't all come together for them.
Respect goes a long way people. Learn to use it. Sabotaging the relationship with the adoptive parents is not how you get what you want.

This was yesterday. Sad that the day before the kids were outside playing all day and then today we have snow again. We actually had about 12 inches of snow on our lawn at the beginning of last week and it is all magically gone. A few hours later after this storm, it was gone again.

This was Sunday evening. Joe was helping Quynsie build an engineering thing for school and of course it involved Carson's toys so he had to have a hand in it. I am not sure where Raven was during this, but she came around when we tried it out.

Wow... Our 9 year old has some serious signs of being a handful when and is a teenager. She already has an attitude. She didn't like we told her to go play outside and on her way out she slammed the door. She is so much like Quayside it scares me. Yikes we are in trouble

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