It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Last summer we started letting Quynsie and Raven make their own lunch. We want them to learn how to be independent to a degree. We have started out slow. Quynsie has been able to cook breakfast foods, ramen, and mac and cheese. Raven and Nadia last summer learned how to make their own sandwiches.
This summer, we have graduated Raven and Nadia up to learning how to make their own oatmeal and ramen. Because of Carson watching this, he has decided that he is all of a sudden independent and can make his own oatmeal. I wasn't going to argue with him today so I let him have at it. To my surprise, he did it all by himself. He is growing up way to fast for my liking. He is not a baby anymore. Now if he would stop peeing and pooping his pants, it would be nice.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
We finally had to break down and get Raven's violin today. She starts Orchestra camp on Monday. Not only is this an expensive instrument($400+), but to fix it is even worse. Raven was standing there while to guy was telling me how much things cost if they get broken. I looked and Raven and said, you break this instrument, I break you (jokingly of course). Anyway the strings themselves can cost up to $80, the bow $50. It is crazy how expensive it is to fix. You best be taking good care of this kiddo.
Dear Lord, I hear the screeching already. The good news is that it will eventually turn to an amazing song and she will be good at it.
Today Carson and Raven started their new therapy. We felt that they just were not making the progress that we felt should be happening after 3 years in therapy so we made a change. New Counseling center and therapist.
Here is to hopping that things get worked through and we can make some serious progress. Carson will still go to his O.T. because that is for something completely different.
So here to having high hopes!!!
Tonight's prayer is brought to you by Carson: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless us to love our family forever and ever, please bless Raven that she will be safe while camping with grammy and papa and bless our family and friends that they will be safe from harm and that we will wake up in the morning to do the things that we are supposed to do. Amen"
I love the part that say's please bless us to love our family forever and ever. This melts my heart.

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