It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Today was our first official day in our new ward.
Don't get me wrong, they are great, but it sure was hard walking in and not knowing hardly anyone. I hate being asked for weeks at a time if we are new to the ward or if we are visiting. Poor Carson was having a rough go in Sacrament Meeting today. He kept saying, "I just want to go back to our old ward. I didn't even want to move. We don't belong here, we only belong at the other ward."
It was kind of sad. I felt the same the way, but I also know that we are where we are supposed to be. We were meant to move. We needed to move. Our kids needed a yard to play in, we needed more space and a better setup on the flow of the house. We are loving the space and the flow of things. It is still strange to have 2 kids upstairs with us. At the other house we only had room for one kid upstairs and because Carson was the youngest, he was upstairs. Now Nadia has joined us upstairs. We figure that it was the common sense thing to do, put both little ones upstairs.
We came from a ward that was pretty well blended with age groups. Yes, when we first moved to that ward six years ago, it wasn't like that. There were hardly any young couples.
Here in our new ward, it is the same way, but there have been a ton of new families moving in during the past month, just like us, so I know that things will turn around, it is just going to take some time.
The other interesting thing in the new ward is that the church building is older and the chapel is set up like the older church buildings. The benches are all straight ahead and not set on an angle. Also they still ring the old bell to let you know that class is over. I looked at Joe when that happened and was like, "A blast from the past just happened." We had not heard that bell in 5 years. Once they built our new building in the old ward, they didn't put a bell in it that we know of. If they did, we have never used it.
I think we will like it here and we will make friends and get more comfortable in our surroundings, it is just going to take some time.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
The only picture that I was able to take today.
Our upstairs bathroom is finally put together and clean. There are no more boxes sitting on the floor. Thank goodness for that.
Next project: My craft/laundry room. I can't wait to get that stuff unpacked. I want to teach my girls how to sew and stuff. I would love to work on our scrapbooks and get those caught up so that I can develop more pictures. I don't dare develop more until I have the others taken care of. I love that my craft room looks out to the backyard where I can be working on my projects and the kids can be outback playing. I can still keep an eye on them, but do what I love to do at the same time. Once this room is completed, we just have our bedroom and odds and ends to deal with. Then the projects begin. Building a bedroom for Raven, fixing Quynsie's room, painting Carson and Nadia's rooms. Yard work, oh the yard needs some serious help.
Tonight after going to my sister's for dinner, we stopped by one of our really good friends house. The Allen's have been our friends long before we moved into the other ward. In fact, Joe has known them even longer than I have. Anyway, we were next door neighbors and the kids have really missed them and their dogs. I have really missed them as well. For whatever reason, Joe let the kids out of the car and off they ran toward Hannah's house. We had no idea they had that in mind, but we didn't stop them. Like I said above, the kids have missed their friends there especially Hannah. It was good to visit with friends. I hope to continue those amazing friendships and hope to make more here in our new ward.

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