It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yesterday evening Nadia came home from her activity not feeling well. She was complaining of a headache, her eyes burning and a sore throat.
For Nadia to say her eyes were burning, the first thought was crap, she has a fever coming on. She was a little warm, so I gave her some Tylenol, had her take a shower and sent her to bed. She has had a fever seizure in the past (about a year ago) so we don't mess with fevers around here. Her eyes burning is a sign with her.
This morning, she woke up saying that she had a sore throat and she mentioned that she had a canker sore in her mouth, so my first thought was to look in her mouth. She had 3 other ones including one on the back of her throat, so I then thought about strep throat. She then mentions that her best friend had the same things in her mouth this past week and was at school on Wednesday and Nadia was around her including touching her. So I text her friends mom asking if she had strep, I did not hear from her for hours and by then Joe had taken her to instacare. She does not have strep thank goodness, but it is a virus.
She has been acting fine all day, but tonight she is looking bad again. Really pale looking. I hate to keep her home from school because this is their last week and she was already mad that we missed church and she told us this morning that she did not want to miss school either. We shall see how she is feeling tomorrow morning. Her poor mouth hurts really bad. One of the cankers is huge on the underneath of her tongue.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This was Nadia this morning. Don't mind the mess on the floor, we have not yet unpacked our bedroom. Anyway, Nadia had been laying with me in bed and I left the room for a minute to use the restroom and when I came back, she was on the floor. I asked her why she was on our floor and she said, I don't know. She looks miserable in this picture. This is how she looked last night and tonight.
We did go to family dinner and it is hard to keep our kids from going outside when their cousins are around. This morning we originally were not going to go, but then when we found out it was not strep we decided we would go. Good or bad idea, who knows, but I think she wore herself out.
Summer has started for Carson so unless Nadia stays home tomorrow it is just mommy and Carson. 1 week left for the girls and they are about to find out what real hard work is. There is a lot of yard work that needs to get done. Gardens to clean out, trees and bushes to pull out, and trees to trim. At our other house, we just had some rose bushes and we only trimmed them twice a year. The only time they pulled the weeds was if they were in serious trouble and even then, it was just a small section.
Bring on the work and structure. I can't wait to put in place a good structure this summer.
I already regret not putting TV's in the kids rooms at this house because there has been a ton of fighting about what they are watching. Mostly Carson not wanting to watch more grown up shows. She wants to watch cartoons.
We only have one TV available for them to watch and it is downstairs in the living room and it is not the big huge TV that they once had either. We actually took all of the other TV's to the DI because I did not want to be tempted to put one back in their rooms. Maybe as they get older we can rethink things, but right now, it is not a good idea.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Here is another one of Carson's  crazy outfits. He is wearing his wrestling outfit with snow boots. Crazy kid.
Fathers in the Field's photo.
I am so thankful to have a husband who respects women and teaches our girls how a real man should treat a women. I also think it is good for Carson to see how to treat women and how to respect them. Carson still does not respect women all that much, but he is learning. He does not get violent with me as much as he used to, but her still uses nasty words when he gets angry with me.
Again, I am thankful for a man who teaches our kids how a real man acts.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
It is finally starting to look like a real living room. I love my new curtains. I thought I loved the other ones that came with the house until we had lived here for a week and then I changed my mind. I could not stand them anymore. They were ugly.
I always tease Joe because when we had blinds in the other house in the kitchen and living room, he would close them as soon as he got home from work and I hated it. Well, this morning I woke up to the curtains closed and I was like seriously? When I asked him if he did it, he said, maybe! I was like don't start that crap already. He then said, I was just messing with you trying to bug you and it worked didn't it? I was like yep!

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