I went shopping with friends from the neighborhood.
We had a good time. We went up to the NPS store.
Carson Carson Carson, what am I going to do with you son?
Talked to his teacher today and she tells me this story that happened today...
So picture Carson laying on his back with his arms and feet in the air....you following this?
An aid walks in and says "Carson, get up in your chair. "
No response from Carson.
The aid, "Carson get up in your chair"
No response again
Then the aid asked him if he was awake.
Still no response
His teacher then walks over and says "Carson get in your chair"
Carson then gets up sits in his chair and pulls his book out and starts reading wit a smirk on his face.
He was playing dead and thought ur was funny to trick the aid.
Only one stitch left....by the way, this stitch did not last long.