It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Happy birthday Dad!!!
Today is Joe's birthday. He turned 37. He is now the age my mom was when we got married. Crazy! Thank the good Lord that we do not have any children that are even close to getting married.
Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to wish him a happy birthday. He is the most amazing husband and daddy!
We went to breakfast at IHOP this morning. It was not that good, but we went.
We then went grocery shopping and came home and got to work on the basement again.
The poor guy has chosen to work on the basement all day even though it is his birthday.
Happy birthday babe from me and the kids. Love you!
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This is what happens when you make a water baby after your dad told you not to. Your mom pops it all over you and makes you clean up the mess.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
The rules for the chore chart are now completed.
The wall is standing, not yet secure, but it is standing. It looks like a hallway, but that is going to be Raven's closet and then we will have a linen closet as well. We need some place to put our sleeping bags and extra blankets.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
And we have one closet built. Next is the linen closet.
Our basement does not even look the same. I didn't think it would look all that different. I thought the main room would obviously be smaller but I was having a hard time picturing how things would look. The rest of the space down there will be for Joe's karate dojo and then once that is all done, we will move onto Quynsie's room and the bathroom. After that, we will work on the living room down there. We are not going to know how to act with a completed basement. Yes, our basement at our old house and this house were complete, but at our old house, it was dysfunctional and here, there was just so much space that we are able to do what we have always wanted to. We have always wanted a nice basement that our kids and family would love to hang out in with friends and stuff.
We knew at the old house, it was not going to be worth us redoing the basement because we would have had to rip everything out and rebuild it, plus we would have had to add a bathroom.
We are loving that we have room to designate how we want to. We have space for everyone plus some.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Uncle Sonny is so tolerant of my girls doing whatever to his hair.
High Heel Mom's photo.
I wish I would have had this picture when I wrote the blog post about the break up letter to the kids birth mom's side of the family. It was not like I was expecting them to stay in contact once a week because that was way too much, but I would have liked at least once a month in order for us to build the relationship, but it just was not happening. They acted like the relationship was only worth it when it was on their terms or convenient for them. When it is like that, it is just time to move on. We wish them well in the future, but right now we need to focus on us and our kids.

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