It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Love this sweet boy of ours!!! He sure can be a handful at times, but when he is calm, he is the sweetest thing ever. I love when he randomly comes up to me and says, "I love you mom".
Because today marks the last weekend before school starts on Monday, the kids and I had a movie afternoon. And I can't believe my kids haven't seen some of the good classic children's movies like Pocahontas and Baby's Day Out and Sand Lot and Herbie and Anastasia and Aladdin and they had never seen little Mermaid or A Goofy Movie or Toy Story or Home Alone or Santa Clause among many many others until coming here. They didn't even know what loony toons was or star wars or batman was but they have seen Freddie Krueger and chucky. My poor kids. I'm sure we are going to spend a life time trying to catch then up on their childhood.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Grammy (my mom) gave us this swing 2 years ago when we started taking Carson to Occupational Therapy and we just never got it hung at the other house. We could not decide where to hang it.
Now that we are in our new house we finally found it in a box and got it hung.
We should have done this a long time ago, but I guess it is better late than never.
The swing is really meant for everyone, but since it is one of the swings Carson uses in therapy, we decided that having it in his room where he can use it more often, was the better option. The swing actually came with a bubble type thing that you fill with air. We tried it and we knew right off that it was a bad idea so we went to Home Depot and bought some camping foam and I cut two round pieces out and stuck them in the bottom of the swing. It seems to work much better, but I think it still needs one more piece, but we will see how it works the way it is first. Cutting that foam is a pain in the butt.
I actually put him in it tonight before bed and swung him around for a few minutes and he was just relaxed as could be. No he is not asleep in these pictures, but he was really relaxed. When I was done, all I did was ask him to get in bed and he did. He has only come out of his room once tonight. New record.
I think this is going to help after school behavior. I can come home and put him in it for a few minutes and help regulate him back to calm mode. Or so that is the hope anyway.
The ability to read social cues and respond appropriately during times of conflict is compromised by traumatic experiences.
~Heather Forbes~

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