It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, August 24, 2015

We are beginning our 2nd week of school and today was the first time I have done anything remotely cute to Nadia's hair. Raven and Carson is pretty easy. I just have to add some gel and they are good to go.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
"You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your choice."
I am so excited to have finally accomplished this project. I have wanted to put it on my living room closet door by the front door so that the kids could see it often and be reminded that yes, they have their free agency, but there are consequences for every choice, good or bad.
Raven started back up at her private violin lessons after having the past 3 weeks off.
I am adding homework and practicing instruments to our chore list.
I am tired of having to fight with them to practice. Right now we have Quynsie playing the flute and Raven playing the violin, but in about starting next week, Nadia will be taking piano lessons.
Playing an instrument is a requirement in our home. We feel that it is important for them to learn how to read music and understand how music can strengthen your mind and uplift your spirits. There are no exceptions to this rule. I am hoping to get Carson into playing the piano as well just because Carson and Nadia are too young to play an instrument in school at this point, but I do want to give them a head start on learning how to read the music.
Quynsie starts volleyball tomorrow. She has wanted to play since she came into our home. We just have not had to opportunity to get her signed up. Last year she played basketball, so when I got the email about the school offering volleyball for the junior high kids, I jumped at it.
At what age do you think is appropriate for the mom to not help her son shower anymore? Carson is almost 7 and I am starting to feel uncomfortable going into the bathroom to check on him. I know that he still needs guidance, but should I be the one doing it or should his dad?
Anyway, just a thought I had tonight while Carson was taking a shower because Joe put him in the shower, but then went back downstairs to work on the basement so I had to go in and check on him. Every time I went in to check on him or remind him to wash his hair or his body, there was new huge mess. He got into Joe's razors, he filled the entire bathtub full of bubbles (no water, just soap suds) and it was all over the floor. I was like this is just crazy. He needs someone in there at all times to make sure he is not destroying things. Yes, we have a shower door and shower curtain to allow for privacy in the shower, but I am going to lose my mind. The other night, he flooded the bathroom so bad the hall carpet was wet.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Joe got these for me a week ago for our anniversary and they still look this good. I took this picture today.

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