It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Real Life Happenings

Raven has been struggling with her thoughts and feelings lately and being able to voice them. I am glad that she is finally getting them out, but man oh man, I don't think I was prepared for what would come out once it did. The anger, the confusion, and the hurt that has come out and to find the words of comfort and understanding that I need to show her has been difficult at times. I know that she is not really mad at us, but at the situation that she is now forced to call life.

In therapy, Raven's therapist gave her a book to write her feelings in with our help, so it is not just being used as a doodle book. Yesterday we actually sat down and talked about what she was wanting to put in the book and without giving up her privacy, we wrote it in her book. The hope is that one day when she is older, she will look back and read these things and come to some understanding as to why things are the way they are. This book is supposed to be used to write the good, the bad, and the ugly. Joe and I are also able to write about things that have been happening in this book. So today, I took the time to respond to her comment that we wrote yesterday and then I also took the time to write her a personal letter from me explaining how much we love her and are very blessed to have her in our lives.

Yesterday we had some one on one time and I let her paint my toe nails and this was the result...not bad....

We have had a lot of sickness at our house the past month. I took them all to the doctor a couple of days ago and then last night Nadia started to complain of an ear ache. She did not go to bed until 11 last night because of it, but she was fine when she got up this morning so I sent her to school. She has not complained since. This next picture is how Nadia sleeps when she is snuggled up with mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing. She may never understand or accept the reasons why. She will know however, how much you and Joe love her no matter how long it takes her to be ok with everything that has happened knowing she's in a safer and happier place. Love the toes!
