It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Re-load

Yesterday we went to get the stuff for our fence. We are so excited to get that thing up so the kids can go out and play more often. I have to be out there every time they go out right now since we don't have a fence, so they don't get to go out much. This summer is going to be so nice to just say, go outside and play. I need to fold a batch of laundry then I will come out and play with you. Or whatever it is that I am needing to do at the time.

On Saturday we decided at the last minute to take the kids to the rock show before going to my work party. Nadia was in heaven. She loves jewelry and there was a lot of it. Raven and Carson didn't seem all that interested, which is fine, I wasn't all that interested either. At the rock show they had a dinosaur that was walking around and teasing the kids. They all liked that.

After going to the rock show, we headed home and got the kids packed to go stay at grammy's and papa's for the night. This is their first sleepover since we got them 11 months ago. The girls were very excited, but Carson, not so much to be spending the night away from mom and dad. (I think it is a good thing he was scared. It means that he is bonding with us). After dropping the kids off to my parents for the night, Joe and I headed to my work party for H&R Block. We had a good time. My friend Gina and I did anyway.

Once the party was over, Joe and I headed to my dad's hotel for a night away. Thanks dad for getting us room. (Didn't get a picture. Sorry!)

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