It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday January 28, 2016
All of the kids were home sick today! After laundry, we just relaxed and watched movies. There was some tablet time and coloring. This is my gem.

Yep! I am still in denial! She cannot be old enough to be able to go to youth conference. Last night at young women's they worked on their bonnets for the trek!

Wednesday January 27, 2016

Why didn't I think to add the little people to making a meal each week while I redone their chore chart this past Sunday? They could each take a piece of the meal and be in charge of that once a week. Damn now I might have to go and re do it again because that's a brilliant idea.

Raven called home today saying she didn't feel well so I went to see what was up. When I got there, I felt her head and it felt warm. She did have a low grade fever so home we went.

I have been working on this all day. Laundry is my enemy. I guess it helps being able to look out at my nice big back yard. Ok it's big to us compared to our old back yard.

At dinner Carson says "James Madison is dead the money guy Yeah he is dead".
And on a side note we have another sick kid in the house. Joe just took Raven's temp and she now had a fever. She didn't have one when I picked her up from school early but she did say she didn't feel well.

Tuesday January 26, 2016

Carson said something today that caught me off guard. On our way to therapy he told me that he just wanted to sit in a corner by myself because all those people annoy me. I have noticed that he tends to walk away from people every once in awhile but today he voiced it and true to his words he has been sitting by me away from everyone elseand if anyone comes near him he gets upset.

I have never really heard him voice things like that, but today he did. He normally loves playing with others. We don't talk about him having autism in front of him because we don't want to cause more harm by giving him another excuse to act the way he does. Yes, he has heard the word mentioned, but he does not know what the characteristics are of autism so there is no way that he would know that some autistic people don't like being in big groups of people.
Like I said, this is not necessarily a new thing for him to walk away from big groups, but this is a new thing for him to admit that he hates groups of people because they are annoy him.

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