It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016
Last nights activity for young women's is a stake family history night and Quynsie refusing to go. Can you imagine what is going through her head? My genealogy is complicated. I'm adopted so how does this family genealogy thing work? Which part do I belong to?
Yes she belongs to us in every way. She is adopted and sealed to us but it doesn't mean that this subject isn't a touchy and uncomfortable one for an adopted teenager.
This morning while trying to get ready and out the door, Carson was being a handful and wouldn't get dressed. Out of frustration I said, "Stop pissing me off and get ready to go." Carson then said, "I'm not trying to piss you off, my brain just won't let me stop."
Tonight Carson continued on his potty mouth track. Quynsie was chasing him and when she caught up with him, he said, "Oh damn!"
I really need to watch my potty mouth because this boy is starting to get one of his own.
Nothing like being smacked in the face with your own mistakes as a parent.
Had a few minutes to kill between Carson's therapy appointment and Raven's doctor appointment so I went to Target. I have always wanted a pair of pants like these.
Raven has a raging ear infection again. And her ADHD meds are staying the same.
We are going to be doing genetic testing on Carson in a couple of weeks so that we can see if there is a medication that will better help him than the one that he is on currently.
Raven told me in the car today that she wants to hire an attorney because she wants to sue sickness. I said, me too babe, me too!
On the way to therapy this morning Carson hasn't stopped talking since we got in the car. We were getting on the freeway and he says something about an egg extravaganza and then he went from that to saying he is going to keep his bad dreams to himself and then he said that he is now friends with Allen and then he said raven you don't want to be enemy's with a kid in your class... Mom why did you take the long way. Oh wait we are almost there oh we are here... Holy moly kid take a breath would you.
Mac and Cheese casserole with green beans is what was for dinner tonight.
I just have to say I hope that Nadia and her best friend Olivia always continue to give each other hugs as they part ways at the end of the school day. It is the cutest thing ever.

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