It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Here are the kids school stats:
Raven right on grade level (5th)
Nadia (3rd) on a 5th grade reading level and right at level on math.
Carson (1st) 3rd/4th grade reading level and high 1st grade in math.
This was taken of Quynsie a year ago. I miss her blonde hair. I think I am going to talk her into putting blonde back into it.
We got our first snow storm yesterday.
First snow storm in our new house.
We went to Beauty and the Beast at the kids school last night. It was a way late night and it sure is showing in the kids behavior today.
Why are we not going home?
Why do we have to go to Walmart?
Why do we have to clean the kitchen?
I'm hungry!
So and so isn't listening to me!...

So and so is hitting me!
Mom so and so isn't helping!
Mom I Have a bad ear ache!
Mom why can't I get on the computer?
Mom when is dad going to be home?
Me saying stop whining.... To which said child says I'm not whining.
Nadia is trying to get slobber on me.
So and so is getting on the computer.
Quynsie is a tattle tale.
Just a few things Ihave heard since school got out.
I have put myself in a timeout before I lose it. Thank goodness Joe finally made it home and was able to defuse the situation around here.
It is crazy how as kids and teenagers, we hate sleep, but as an adult, we value it and we hit the sack as soon as the kids go to bed.
Tonight in my case, I am taking my meds and going to bed and letting Joe handle things for the rest of the night.

This weekend is Carson's birthday so we are going to be doing something tomorrow for that since it is actually on Sunday and nothing is open here on a Sunday.

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