It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I forgot to post this yesterday. I had to buy this shirt for him because we have 3 ninja's in our house. I can't wait for a free dress down day that he can wear this to school because I think his teacher would get a kick out of it.
Today, Joe and I finished up the final touches for the kids Christmas. We pretty much have extended family done as well. We still have a few things, but nothing expensive or anything.
A few years into mine and Joe's marriage, Christmas or holiday's in general had been a sore spot for me because we didn't have kids to enjoy it with, but now that we have kids, it has restored the magic and the glory of the holiday season. I love seeing my kids faces light up on Christmas morning and when they see what they have gotten.
This is year is going to be the best one yet, or so I hope anyway. We really tried to get the kids some pretty awesome presents. I really am excited.
But, every year at Christmas time, I get frustrated with my kids birth family because they have taught them that Santa Clause is not real. Thankfully, for Carson and Nadia, they were easily persuaded to think other wise, but Raven has never been persuaded no matter what we say to them. I mean, who doesn't want to experience the magic of Christmas with their kids? I am afraid this is going to be the last year with Raven and the magic of Christmas. When I was a kid and my parents told me about Santa, Christmas just didn't seem as fun anymore. The surprise of it all was lost. No Christmas is not all about the presents and what not and I am hoping we are teaching our kids that it is about Christ, giving and serving others, but for some reason it took away from the suspense of things when I was a kid.

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