It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Eeeekkkkksssss tomorrow is the day!!! I'm so thankful things have worked out the way they have. Yes it was frustrating to lose our first buyer but I think everything happens for a reason. Nadia was meant to be baptized in our current ward and I think it has helped to keep our packing going but I have been able to be extremely organized as far as what is in what box and I was able to take some time to De junk stuff as I packed. I will still do more of that as I unpack at th...e new house but I'm thankful to have most of that out of the way.
Thank you Justin Dockstader, James Sly, and Jason Giatras for all of your hard work and help. This has been the best transaction as far as selling and buying a house has gone for us. After all this will be our 3rd and hopefully final home that we will purchase. And sorry for all of my anxiety driven craziness.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo. Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This is what happens when you tap a black marker a couple of times. You take the lid off and it exploded. The second pictures is after I scrubbed with alcohol for 20 minutes.
Packing sucks. I pulled a muscle in my back right under my ribs and it hurts to move and breath. I can't wait for this week to be over and then we can unpack at our leisure. I am not sure what happened, but I was backing out of the driveway this evening after packing for a couple of hours and my back spasmed out of the blue. Thankfully I have a 13 year old that is so very willing to give me a massage. We shall see how it feels in the morning.
While Quyn was giving me a massage, Carson was on our bed and he did this so Quyn thought it was cute and she took a picture.
I love my babies!!!

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