It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This is our last Sunday in our current home and our ward. So I thought I would take one final Sunday picture of all of the kids dressed up and ready for Church.
It was so hard to say goodbye to all of our amazing friends and ward family. I did manage to keep myself put together. I did get emotional and had a hard time holding the tears back, but somehow I managed to be strong. I had to be. I couldn't let the kids see how hard this is for me. I have stay strong so that they don't get anxiety and feed off of mine. I don't know how we will ever fit into our new ward, but we are sure going to try.
They have some very BIG shoes to fill.
The one good thing about moving to a new place is that they don't know our story or the kids story. They don't know that the kids are adopted and we are going to leave it up to the kids to tell their story as they feel comfortable. I don't mind people knowing that they are adopted, it is the background of why they are adopted that we are going to leave up to the kids to share if they want to.
I am excited to have Quynsie go to girls camp in the new ward because that is where they open up and they are themselves. She is going to make so many great friends there and I look forward to seeing all of our kids' friendships grow. I look forward to all of the new memories that we are going to build.
This may be the home we brought our kids home too, but our new home is where they are going to come back home to after they leave home for college, mission(s), and getting married. It will be the home that they bring our grandkids to.
There is just something so special about bringing your kids home to a home for the first time. This is where they have lived for 3 years (probably the longest they have ever lived anywhere) and now we are moving and that is a huge change. Moving used to not be a big deal to me. I moved so many times as a child and then once Joe and I got married, we have moved a few times as well. Now it is a huge deal because we are not just thinking of ourselves, we are keeping our kids in mind and what their needs are as well as ours. I used to get the itch to move every couple of years, but since having kids, I want to put down permanent roots.
Excitement and fear are the feelings that we are all having.
So here is to new memories and gaining new friends. 
Here are the kids with their unofficial adopted older sister. Hannah has been amazing with our kids. She loves them so much and they love her just as much. I am so thankful that we are not moving too far so that the kids can still see her. Hannah, we love you and are going to miss having you just around the corner. Thanks for being such a great friend to our kiddo's.
Thank you brother Thorn for showing Quynsie that I'm not the only mean parent that takes their child's phone away in sacrament. I loved every moment of Quynsie squirming after watching you take your daughters away.
Today's Best and Most Country B100's photo.
This is so TRUE!!!!!!

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