It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Last night was a rough night. Nadia was having some serious anxiety and night mares. She finally ended up sleeping on the floor in our room.
Last night we introduced the kids to their new chore chart routine and this morning we got up and the kids were all doing as they were supposed to be doing happily including Carson.
I hope this last more than just a day cause I kinda like it.
On our way to Home Depot Carson called bird poop bird dookie. I laughed so hard. I have never heard that term before, but whatever.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Joe bought me a new toy!!! When you upgrade in a house and yard, you need more than a push lawn mower. Boy was it was so much better using this new toy than the old one.
 Breanna Sly Davis's photo. Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Basement: A work in progress. The bottom left picture is Raven and Quynsie's room. I can't wait until we get Raven's room built because I can't handle the mess that is always in their room.
Their room looks much better but as you can see, Raven's bed is still a disaster. She goes in there when I get mad, but then 5 minutes later she leaves and I am again on the hunt for her to finish cleaning.
  Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Caitlin Shurtleff's photo.
I am putting this on the living room closet door so the kids can see this every time they are in the living room. Nadia is always saying that she can make her own choices. I always tell her yes you can, but those choices have consequences good or bad.
I think I forgot how much goes into moving.... De cluttering, packing, loading uhal multiple times, unloading uhal multiple times, De junk as your unpacking, put it away, rearrange some more, De junk more Oh and De junk some more. We have way to much crap. I'm determined to have a clutter free and organized house by the time I'm done unpacking. I'm sure there are more boxes of books somewhere in this house. Oh and did I mention kids are upstairs playing a game and fighting and I'm downstairs ignoring them.

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