It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

When one sibling gets to do something the other sibling does not, the likely interpretation is, "My parents loves him more."
~Heather Forbes~
This happened over the weekend. Nadia got my desk from when I was a kid and Quynsie got jealous. She thought because she is the oldest that she should get everything first. Anyway, things got solved and all is well in the Davis home again.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo. Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
I put up dark out curtins in Nadia and Carson's room all by myself today. I even hung the rod by myself.
Nadia was so excited when she got home from school and it was the first thing that she noticed when she walked into her room.
I can't wait till we find the time and money to repaint and decorate their rooms, but first we need to build Raven's room downstairs and change the layout of Quynsie's room.
I think the only room I hate in this house is the kitchen. It needs some serious help.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
We only have 2 more boxes to unpack in the bathroom. I am so excited. It is nice going potty without sitting on top of boxes and we can get out of the shower the right way and not have to climb over the toilet to do so. We have so much room and storage in this bathroom that I am not sure how we ever survived without it because I have filled almost every little spot there is in that place. Oh wait, we had a cupboard downstairs that housed everything extra and now we don't have to house everything extra downstairs and that is amazing!!!! I am in love with this bathroom, even the ugly pink/peach tile on the tub and floor. Believe me, it is an upgrade from any bathroom that we have ever had except our 2nd apartment when we first got married.
I also got the craft/laundry room cleaned up a bit, mainly restacking boxes because they never got stacked when we moved in. They just got sat wherever. I had to clean it up so that we can get our new washer and dryer in there tomorrow when they deliver them. I am so excited to get them. I can't wait to get some laundry done and not have to ask my mom for help with it. Our old ones are going to Joe's mom so that she doesn't have to pay for laundry anymore. At her new apartment she has hookups, but because she doesn't have a washer or dryer she has had to still pay for laundry. Hopefully this will help out.
When the heating and cooling guy showed up  today I had to take him downstairs to the furnace when he says oh wow this is a pretty big house. I had to laugh. Our house is 2600 sq ft. Yes this is the biggest house we have ever lived in so yes to us it is huge. We have owned 3 homes and our first home was 1400 sq ft and our last one was 1700 sq ft so everytime we have upgraded in size.
Anyway, we are really frustrated with the seller on our new home because when we did our inspection, we noticed that the AC was not working so we requested that he have it fixed. We waited a couple of days to hear back from his agent and when his agent called ours, he said that he had someone come out and look at it and it was just fine. Well, we trusted that what they said was true. While moving in and for the past few days, we have noticed that the temperature has not gone down and the fan is not coming on outside, so we called our realtor and he came out yesterday and noticed a wire that was cut in two places. He told us to have Joe fix it, but Joe doesn't have the time to deal with it so Joe said to call Triple-T so I did. They came out today and it was a $79 charge just to come out, then it is $200 an hour. By the time all was said and done, we ended up paying $329 to have it fixed.
Yes, we know and understand that it is our problem now, but the point is, if you are going to sell property, you should be completely honest with the buyer and if you are not going to fix something that they have asked you to fix, they should just say that they are not going to fix it, not lie and say that it was fixed.
Quynsie got the Wordler Award in English today. Basically for excellence, being the most improved student  and having passion in the class.
This says a lot about how hard she has been working. She has done amazing trying to keep her grades up this year. Way to go baby girl!!! Keep up the hard work.

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