It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Day 3
This morning we told the kids where we are going on vacation. I'm busting a gut because Quynsie said yesterday that she was tired of camping and her dad and I laughed and said well I see more camping in your future. Well we told them we are going to Yellowstone and there was camping involved. The look on Quynsie's face was priceless. She said I didn't realize you meant this close in my future. Haha best entertainment of the morning.
Got the kids backup glasses ordered and their school uniforms ordered. Now all we need to do is get them their shoes and school supplies. School supplies is a hard one to get until we go to back to school night and get the list of the teachers as to what they need. Our kids school does not just give you list of things just for your kids. They have everyone bring what is on the list and then they stock pile it and hand things out as needed. Because not every parent buys everything on the list, about half way through the school year, they start asking for more donations.
As for the junior and high school, we pay a ton of fees and then we still have to buy school supplies and that can't happen until after school has started and we get the list from each individual teacher.
Just in school uniforms we spent $390
(Children stop growing. For the past two years, they have been able to wear the same size of shirt, and Quynsie has needed bigger pants a couple of times so we have just handed down pants from her to Raven and Raven to Nadia. This year because of the hand me downs, they all needed new pants and now Raven and Quynsie need bigger shirts. The cost of things doesn't help when you have a picky teenager on your hands. I mean who cares what style of dress pants you get? It is a school uniform after all and everyone is wearing the same basic thing. But no, she has to have a certain kind and this year, I just could not find them so she settled for the skinny dress pants).
4 pairs of glasses were $83
(got buy 3 get 1 free, so we got Carson 2 pair of back ups because he is a boy and we already know where this is headed: BROKEN)
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Mr. Independent is cleaning the bathroom all by himself for the first time. We asked Quynsie to help him this time because we were busy trying to get other things done so we can go on vacation and he would not let her help.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Carson does not just fall asleep sitting up or before bed time all that often, but when he does, I am so thankful. I was sitting there doing laundry when I looked over and saw this. I had to have Joe put him in my lap because he was just too cute not to cuddle for a little bit.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Quynsie sleeps like this all of the time, but I have never seen Carson do it before yesterday.
On our way home from camping I guess Joe looked back in the backseat of his truck and saw Carson's eyes wide open and he wasn't responding so Joe pulled off and I of course pulled off with him to make sure everything was ok and he was able to wake him up and he was just fine, but it freaked Joe and Nadia out. Then tonight while holding him, he did the same thing. I first made sure he was breathing then I sat him up and tried to wake him up, it took a couple of tries and he finally woke up. He was talking just fine and normal. Just weird and creepy.
Now tomorrow, we finish doing laundry, cleaning and re-packing and loading the van up before we go do family pictures and then we are leaving really early Wednesday morning to go to Yellowstone. We have never gone on a road trip that was more than 4 hours and we have never taken the kids out of state. We needed permission when they were in foster care, but we never cared to deal with that mess so we just didn't go. Now that they are not longer in foster care, we can do whatever we want and not have to worry about getting permission. 2 years ago, we went to Bryce Canyon with the 3 younger kids, but last year we really didn't go on vacation except weekend get a ways. It costs a lot of money and time and stress getting ready, but I also want to make amazing memories with my kids and give them happy things to remember besides all of the boring day to day stuff and their past.

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