It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Melt Down Run Down:
Raven: the bandage on her leg was stuck, so she was having a melt down.
Quynsie: She didn't get in the shower at the time she was asked to, so when it was time to practice her flute, she was mad that I wouldn't let her get in the shower until the flute got practiced.
Nadia: She wants to be treated like a 13 year old and have the same privileges as Quynsie, like getting up at 6 in the morning. Um no mam, you are cranky after school when you don't get enough sleep.
Carson: He wants us to still treat him like a baby at bedtime and we are finished with the transitioning of that. He used to be able to lay in our bed until he fell asleep then we would move him, then it turned into he can lay there for 30 minutes and then 20 and then 10 and then it turned into every other night and then into once a week and now we are not allowing it anymore. We will tuck him in bed and tell him good night just like we do the girls and he is not liking it one bit.
When one has a melt down they all want a piece of it. Just go to bed already!!!

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.

 Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This was yesterday on day 9.
I had to take Quyn to get her fingers xrayed so I thought since I am already at the clinic, I might as well have Raven's leg looked at while I was there. This clinic is not our regular clinic, but they do the xrays right there in the office, so I thought I would save us a trip of having to go to the doctor then have them send us for xrays and go to this specific clinic. I asked the doctor if it looked good and if we were on the right track and if he thought that the stitches needed to stay in longer because I did not think it was ready, but he kept reassuring me that it was going to be fine and that the doctor at the hospital did a great job. I even questioned that because it was a student that did it without any doctor supervision. But what do I know? I am not the doctor and I assumed that he knew what he was doing. As you can see, the butterfly stitches are not on very well. After rapping her leg back up it really messed with the butterfly stitches and they were falling off so I took them off and put a different kind on and sent her on her way to play. Well after awhile, I called the kids to come eat. When she came into the kitchen, I looked down and there was blood dripping down her leg, so I was like what the heck did you do? She was like I don't know. Quynsie made me mad so I sat on her and then she threw me off. So I take the butterfly stich off that I had just put on about an hour prior and the wound was wide open again. I was furious at this point because here I had trusted 2 different doctors to have take care of my child and make sure that she would be fine and this is what happened.

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.

I rushed her back to the same clinic because it is just down the road from us and when the doctor walked in I was relieved that it was a doctor that I had seen many times before when I was a kid so I felt relief and knew I could trust him. He gave us two options:
1: We could leave it open and let it heal from the inside out and she would be left with this massive scar and possible infection.
2: We could do a minor surgery where they cut skin off around the open wound and try to restitch it with no promise that it would heal together and still risk infection.

I felt as the mom, that we needed to at least try to get it to close up because I know as a girl, people can be mean and they will tease you, but more importantly, I know Raven and she already lacks self esteem and I did not want to make that worse by leaving her with a huge nasty scar. Joe was not in agreement with the procedure because he didn't want to risk having her go through the procedure and it not working. He doesn't want to traumatize her more, but he is guy and does not understand girls and I don't think he really realized that Raven lacks self esteem until we had a lengthy conversation about it and he started asking Raven questions, then he understood why I felt so strong to at least give it a try. I would regret it, if I didn't at least try for her sake.

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