It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

While heading to our nephew/cousin's birthday party, this was the scene we saw on Highway 6. A semi was coming out of the canyon down that steep hill and the car turned in front of it and got seriously T-boned. Then somehow another car hit a police car t-boning it as well. Just before coming up on this accident, I had gotten after Raven for not sitting in her seat properly. She was turned sideways with her knees against the door looking out the window. When we saw the accident, I explained why I get after them to sit in their seats properly. I hope they now understand the importance of safety in the car.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
We went to Nickel Mania for a birthday party. I can't believe my nephew is 11. He is the only biological nephew I have on my side of the family so before my sister got remarried and we had kids, he was one spoiled rotten boy and he knows it. He will always be my little NASCAR buddy. Love you Aiden!!!
This was similar to our afternoon after the party. Everything we asked the kids to do, they were either arguing, having a tantrum, complaining, being mouthy or getting off track by doing other things. It was so bad that I finally lost my cool. I am tired of when I ask the kids to fold their laundry they say, "But I did my laundry yesterday" or Quynsie will say "Well it looks like mom has it under control so I am out of here". I am tired of the fighting over who swept and mopped the floor the last time. I am tired of Nadia and her knock down drug out tantrums. I am tired of Raven acting like she doesn't know how to do things just to try to get out of doing them. I am tired of Carson telling me no and I am not doing that and I am not listening to you. The girls just cannot figure out how to help one another and serve others.
Joe just looks at me and is like take a deep breath and I am like, you are not here all day everyday including half of every other Saturday so you don't understand why I am so frustrated. I try to keep it all in so I am not yelling at the kids all of the time, but at some point, it just boils out and today was that day. Everyone got a piece of my mind.
Being a mom is hard. It doesn't matter if you are a working mom or a stay at home mom (I have been both) it is hard work. I don't want my kids to hate me, but I also am not going to let them think they can get away with certain behavior either.
I am the first to admit that I am not perfect and I make mistakes with parenting decisions. I am not always right, but gosh dang it, I do have my kids best interest at heart and in mind when I make decisions. A parenting decision does not always work for each child so we use different techniques with our kids and if one does not work for one, then we try something else but our kids think that we are being unfair and that they should all be disciplined the same way or get the same privileges.
Nadia thinks that she should be able to stay up as late as Raven and Quynsie, but the fact of the matter is that she is younger and she is not going to get to do the same things as her older sisters just like Carson is not going to be able to do the same things as she does.

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