It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Sneak peak of our family pictures this year. We had them done tonight by an amazing photographer. Her name is Taelor Drury and she is amazing. She kept the kids happy and engaged the whole time. She even managed to get some smiles out of Carson.
We got them done for free this time because I helped her with some advertisement stuff, but I will for sure be hiring her again next year even if I have to pay the full price.
We actually gave her a $20 tip. I can't wait to see the photo's she took. I am so excited.
Joe told Carson this morning to put on a shirt and Carson said why dad? I have a six pack!
This kid comes up with the funniest things and yes he does have a six pack. It is from all of the sit-ups his therapist makes him do.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Carson got his new glasses today. I think we are going to have to gradually up his time that he wears them because he is struggling to keep them on his face. He says that his ears hurt, which they probably do and it will take time for him to get used to them. With his sensory issues, we think it might be best to not make him wear them all day to begin with. Him and Quynsie like the bigger glasses, and honestly I don't care, I am not the one that has to wear them. All I can say is I had the same thing in the 90's. It's just the style right now. We did order him a couple of back up pairs as well and they are not the big frame ones.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Day 4
I am afraid she may not get them out on Tuesday, but we will see. There are a couple of questionable spots, but other than that it looks good. There is no sign of infection so that is good. If she would just quit jumping and running on it. She complains that her leg hurts all of the time and finally tonight I told that I was not going to give her any Tylenol because I have constantly told her to stop doing it if she doesn't want it to hurt. Maybe tomorrow she will think twice about running and jumping on it.
After doing family pictures tonight we stopped by a friends house who had some clothes that will fit Carson and on the way home, he was begging me to go through the bags as soon as we got home and I told him I have more important things to worry about than going through clothes right this minute like getting ready for our trip and he said
the trip that we could get killed by the volcanoes?
Little stinker.
He loves volcanoes so I am not sure why he is so afraid to actually see one or be on one, but whatever.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
My parents were kind enough to let us barrow their roof-top carrier and then we went and bought one of our own. Ours is a bit bigger than theirs, but theirs fit most of our bedding.
It doesn't matter where we go on a trip, we always pack our clothes in totes. Each one of us has our own tote and everyone of them fit in our bag, plus we were able to get three queen size blankets in it and our coats. There was still more room, but everything else that was left to load is stuff that we will need out or it will be in the cooler.
We ended up taking one of the bucket seats out so that we could put the cooler there. The back back is full of food, chairs, tent and various other things.
And yes, we got the DVD player and a bunch of movies.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Quyn helping dad tie down the bags on top of the van. I just so happened to walk outside and saw this so I had to take a picture of course. What would blogging be without pictures? Just a bunch of boring words.

I am not sure if I will be able to blog the rest of the week, but I am going to try if I have internet.

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