It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I am the first to admit raising children with trauma is hard.
We don't always know the best way to deal with things, and by all means we make mistakes, but, we are trying.
Our kids are so worth the hard work.
Carson has been so much better today aside from the occasional whining thinking that he can get his way. We changed his medication back to what he was originally on. We loved it, but they stopped making it in liquid form and at the time, he could not swallow pills, so we changed to a different one thinking that it would be better, but dang, things have not been good for awhile. We also added another one to the mix, it is supposed to be for his hyper seeking sensory processing disorder. He has been so calm today. I am loving it.
We took Nadia and Carson to the eye doctor today and out of the two the one that needs glasses would be Carson. This should be interesting. We are going to need 3 or 4 pairs of glasses just to get through the next year. I see many glasses being broken in our future. He will get mad and throw them or step on them I am sure. 
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
I am not sure what him and Quynsie see in the hipster glasses, but they both like the big ones. I tried to talk him into getting the smaller ones, but it just was not a fight that I was willing to fight. After all, he is the one that has to wear them.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Raven's glasses came in today so we went and picked them up before going to therapy.
Her's are not as outlandish as the other 2.
Nadia is feeling left out. She pretty much has perfect vision and does not need glasses. So 4 out of 6 of us have glasses. This house is becoming expensive when it comes to the glasses world.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Who needs glasses when you are this pretty anyway?
Quynsie put makeup on Nadia today. I personally think it was a bit much, but who cares? It is summer and I am ok with it. I can't say that dad is ok with it, but mom is. Girls will be girls, just like boys will be boys.
Dad is just a protective daddy, that's all.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
We had to go to Walmart to get stuff for camping this weekend and this is the view that we came out to. Trust me, the picture does not even begin to describe how pretty it was. It had the most amazing pink hue ever.
Speaking of camping, I am not going to be blogging this weekend as we will not have internet connection. I will be blogging and catching up on Sunday after we get home.
Happy 4th of July from the Davis'

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