It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Carson cracks me up. Joe went into his room tonight and told him that it better be clean by the time he gets home from work tomorrow so he can hang his swing and he better not shove it under his bed. Carson's response: Palm to face with the words "dang it" to go along with it. I couldn't help but laugh. Sometimes, I just can't help myself when he comes up with the funniest things.
Parents, are you having mixed feelings about school starting? On one hand, you're doing the happy dance to have your children back in school. But on the other hand, you're dreading the homework battles, calls from the schools, and the fight for services.
~Heather Forbes~
Yes, I am having mixed emotions about school starting. I love having my kids home, but at the same time, they need structure and lots of it. With all of the various appointments we have to go to, I don't have time to keep them busy at all times. We spend a lot of time in the car. But with structure, comes fighting with homework, kids getting in trouble and I can't seem to get the services that I feel Carson deserves. They go to an amazing school, but because he is so far ahead academically, he doesn't qualify for any type of services. I personally think he needs a one on one aid to help him with his behavior so the teacher is not constantly having to worry about him and she can teach the rest of the class without the interruption.
So yes, mixed emotions.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Quynsie spent half the day with her cousin Jazmine and one of Jazmine's friends for Jazmine's birthday. They went skating. It seems like they had a good time.
I love that all of my kids have a cousin that is close to their age or that are the same age. Carson doesn't have a first cousin his age, but he has 2nd cousins that are his age. It doesn't seem to bother him at family gatherings too much. He seems to get along with whatever boy is there.
This jerk scared the shit out of me. I had been outback helping the littles pick pears off of the tree and when we were done, we were going back out front and instead of me going up the steps, I went across the lawn and was going to go check the mail. I wasn't paying attention as to where I was walking because I was reading a text Quynsie sent me. Anyway, I felt something slick go between my sandal and my toes. I kicked that sucker off my foot and it landed in the middle of the driveway. I think I scared it as much as I was scared. He slithered up the driveway and hid under my van.
Apparently he is a gopher snake, which is similar to a rattle snake, but is not venomous. It does have a rattle on its tail. Yeah, I am not going to believe anyone anymore when they tell me the snakes in my yard are garden snakes. The only good thing about this stupid snake is that he keeps the mice down or so the research says.
Personally I don't think there is anything good about this stupid thing.
I am sure my neighborhood just found out about my nasty potty mouth. Yep, I am feeling comfortable enough in the new neighborhood to just let it slip.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This the small fortune we have harvested outback. Grapes and pears.
Quynsie is so excited to finally have her desk that Grammy gave her in her room. It's a miracle that their room is even clean enough to have 2 desks 2 dressers 2 beds a bookshelf and a toy box in there and they still have a ton of space in the middle of their room but they are wall to wall in there.

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