It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
My dad and I went 4-wheeling today. I got SUN BURNED!!! But it was nice to be able to spend just some one on one time with him. We don't get to do that often.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
I came home to this! My kids all getting along, making cookies and frosting them together. Love my babies!!!
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
I was teasing Quynsie about being a maid and so we started joking around and then she said, "I ain't nobodies Cinderella", So then we had to pose and take a picture...LOL
This kid is pretty funny. I love her to pieces and I could not imagine life without her.
(On a side note: I love our built in central vacuum system in our new house)
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
This just cracked me up. Nadia was helping Raven do her physical therapy exercises and decided to hold her feet and do push ups at the same time. Great use of time, if you ask me.
So I did not blog yesterday because I wanted Quynsie's letter to the focus. She has been wanting to write that letter for a long time. She was just worried that we would not be able to get the letter to the people that she wanted it go to, so I suggested the blog and she agreed with me.
So here are the things that happened yesterday.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Yesterday we finally got all of the branches and debris cleaned up and hauled off.
Once that was done, we stopped and got a yard of gravel to put along the house and then on the side of the cement pad so that we can put our trailer there.
 Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
We still need more gravel to finish the entire length of the side of the house, but we were able to get our trailer back there and it is looking so much better. CLEAN!!!
After doing yard work, we went looking for a car for Joe, but we didn't find anything. So we went to dinner and stopped at got the movie Home and then we came home and watched it. While Joe took the kids in to get the movie, I was on the phone Mike, Quynsie's birth dad. I am so thankful for the openness and the honesty that he has shown so far. He knows that if he is not honest with us, and we find things out later, we are done. He knows that if he relapses, he is done. Our main focus and responsibility is to Quynsie, but we want more than anything to have that openness with Mike.
We have told him that we will be there to help support his sobriety, but once that trust is broken, it is hard to get it back.
So here is to supporting and cheering on Mike and his sobriety. Please pray that he has the strength to stay sober, even if it is just for Quynsie's sake. Sober is still sober no matter the reasons.

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