It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Ugh, I feel like I have been punched in the face. I have 5 cold sores spread across half of my top lip.
Tonight it does not look as bad as it has all day, but dang. I have never had a cold sore in my life until we got the kids 3 years ago. They came with cold sores. I am sure with all of the stress I was under dealing with part of the birth family, it caused the cold sore to spiral out of control over night.
Cami Jo Riding's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Mr. Toothless here is losing teeth left and right and today he pulled it out himself. He was so funny about it.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Quynsie sent this text message to me. After the past few days, it meant the world to me.
So today Nadia was asked to walk the neighbor's dog and get a little money. Nadia told her that she would do it for free just because she loves doing service.
At least one of my kids had caught on to what I have been trying to teach my kids.
Nadia and her turbine. She is a funny kid.
Today we had therapy and doctor's appointments. Raven opened up about her feelings in therapy and it was a huge milestone. She did awesome. I am really proud of her.
Joe took Quynsie and Nadia to their well child check because I was at therapy with the other two.
We have to take both of them to Primary Children's to the pediatric orthopedic surgeon.
Quynsie for her extremely unstable knee and Nadia because of her pigeon toes and rolling both of her ankles so much. We had Nadia seen 2 years ago by someone and he told us that she should grow out of the pigeon toes by the time she turns 8 and she is almost 9 and the problem is still there. She also walks funny. So we will take them up there and see what we find out.

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