It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I woke up this morning with a major migraine. I think I got really stressed out yesterday afternoon. We almost got in an accident because Carson decided to throw his lunch bowl at my head while I was driving.
Anyway we got up and got ready for school. I had them all ready to go with a half hour to spare so the kids went outside and rode their skateboards before going to school.
I wish I would have had a video of Carson because I was worried we were going to have a broken bone before school.
After school, he was so much better today. The first thing I did when we got home was get him in his swing. I swung him for about 20 minutes and he was pretty well behaved the rest of the afternoon.
Apparently that is the answer is swing him after school and he will behave.
Funny Minion Quotes's photo.
HAHAHAHA!!!! This is so true!!!
Tonight was karate night, which means that Joe's brother and his wife and kids come over for 2 hours. We take turns cooking meals and then we hang out for a few awhile after karate.
I let my brother in law get on my computer to do something and apparently my facebook account was left open so he posted this along with his profile picture:
Matt is the bestest brother in law in the world. He is so awesome and Nikki too! I should let them move in and cook for them and do their laundry. Gotta go, Joe needs a foot massage for working so hard. I am going to wash anyones car at my house next week because I love you all so much!
(Edited: my brother in law got on my computer and NO!!! I'm NOT washing everyone's cars)
He cracks me up. I told him I have already let him and his first wife live with us and I did cook his meals and took care of his kids. To be honest, I wouldn't mind having him, the kids and his current wife living here.
It wasn't that bad.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
The closets are finally starting to take shape and make more sense. The back one is Raven's closet and the front one is our linen closet.
Thanks to my dad and brother for coming over and working on it while Joe was teaching karate.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
I am still loving our family pictures. I look through them often because I don't have room on my walls to put them all.
Recipes, Decorating Ideas and Crafts's photo.
I made these tonight and they were a big hit. Even my nieces and nephew loved them.
Carson screamed with delight when he saw that I made cornbread, but then he realized their was a hotdog in them and wasn't as thrilled. I made them in a regular muffin pan though.
Fangirling 101's photo.
I can totally see Carson saying this.

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