It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, April 27, 2015

And the worlds worst mommy award goes to.....ME!!!! ME!!!! People ME!!! I forgot about Carson's therapy appointment this morning and then I just barely remembered that it was supposed to be his turn to take snack for school today. Yep! I forgot that as well. I am telling you this move needs to happen ASAP because I feel like I am losing my mind.
I guess we all make mistakes, I just feel really bad because I have never forgot a therapy appointment before especially one of Carson's. Therapy is so important for this kid and for me to miss it, makes me feel extremely bad.
Nadia has finally got the kata down for karate or at least most of it.
Hypothyroid Mom's photo.
This is no lie!!!! The kids have come home from school a couple of times and ask what I do all day when I haven't cleaned. I am like, yeah well, I have taken so and so to this appointment or I decided to go shopping or I decided to sit on my butt and take a nap. Then I ask them to help clean up.
I have a big problem with not feeling guilty when I say no. I actually had this problem today. My sister text me and asked me to pick up a friends kids from school on Friday because she forgot that she was supposed to when she made an appointment for one of her kids. I had to say no because it is Raven's birthday and we don't know for sure when we are closing on our house and I would hate to make a commitment and then not be able to do it because something came up. I have felt guilty all day for saying no, but I also know that there is a small chance we could close this Friday, not likely, but it is possible. I have FAITH!!!
GodFruits's photo.
I may not agree with our birthparents choices but, we do keep them in our prayers and I hope they know that God is always there for them in the time of need. I pray they find peace in their hearts and know that their children are being well taken care of and are so very loved and wanted more than anything.
Purple Clover's photo.
Our niece Deserrae said this exact thing this past week in karate. I laughed so hard.

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