It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Miracles do happen...I got myself put together again today. It is a hard thing to do these days with packing, trying to be organized with the move for the kids sake and my sanity, and dealing with the every day life things.
Breanna Sly Davis's photo.
Our amazingly sweet boy made these flowers for me at school. Love this boy to pieces.
Bustle's photo.
This so so, so, so, true!!!
About my post yesterday. I know that I was harsh in some ways, but to be honest, I am sick and tired of being the nice guy and making sure that I don't hurt anybody's feelings. I am to the point in this adoption process that I just have to set boundaries and stick to them. If our birth family can't understand that or stick to the boundaries, then we will have no choice but to cut all contact and LET'S MAKE THIS CLEAR....I DO NOT want to go to that extreme, but I will if we have to. This is not about them or their feelings, this about the kids and their feelings and healing.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am sorry if I offended anyone, but like I said, I am to the point where I am exhausted trying to walk on egg shells and please everyone. I just can't do that anymore. I have to think about the kids and our little family.
Viktory's photo.
Faith has been a hard thing for me lately. Just when we think we are making progress with the kids and their healing, we always end up going backwards. 3 steps forward and 2 steps backwards type of thing. Don't get me wrong, we have made great strides with the kids, but the longer they are here and feeling more secure in our family, the more things get brought up. Things that I am appalled by that these poor kids have had to go through.
The other topic I have been having a hard time having faith on is this move. We lost our first buyer and I had all of the faith in the world then, but then when we lost them, I lost the faith. So far things are going well and hopefully we close next week because if we don't I am going to go crazy and so are the kids and Joe.
So today, I choose to have FAITH and know that he will help us through these trials we are facing at this time.

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