It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

There really wasn't much to report on as we were gone literally all day gathering firewood.
It was a long day. The kids did amazing.
We rewarded them with dinner out and a shake. We never do shakes because they are expensive, but because they did awesome, we rewarded.
After gathering wood, we went to my grandparents/my sister's house to split the wood and put it in the woodshed. It is wood that we all use. We use it for our fire pit, my parents and brother use it for their fire pit, my sister has a fireplace and we all go camping so it gets used. We had Our truck, my brother in laws truck, my parents truck and trailer completely full. When I left at 9:30 tonight the wood shed was half full and we still had my brother in laws truck and my parents trailer left to split and unload.
I had to come home and get the kids in bed. They were so tired.
Joe and I have a different view on things, I feel that it is not going to hurt the kids to work hard every once in awhile. It is not like we ask them to do much. They have 1-2 chores a day and then they are free to do whatever they want. Anyway Joe wanted to drop us off at home and leave us there, but I was like, come on really? It is not going to kill them to go and help a little bit more. In fact, things turned out just fine because all they did was play at my sisters house. They had to hand a couple of pieces of wood here and there, but not much.
Joe has a different opinion on things. He thinks they need to be lazy so to speak. Not like lazy lazy, but he doesn't believe in asking them to do hard tough work all day.
I too don't believe asking them to do hard tough work all day every day (EVERY DAY)! But every once in awhile isn't going to kill them. They can't go through life thinking that life is handed to them on a silver platter. They have to work for the things that they want. It builds great character and teaches them to work hard for the things they want in life.
In the end, everything worked out. The kids were amazing and I think they actually were having fun some of the time, including the part where they had to haul the wood to the trucks and trailer.

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