It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Monday, March 23, 2015

February 27

So close to listing our house. We have a lot of De junking to do before next Friday and then on the 9th it will officially be listed. Eeeekkkkssss

'While Jason and I met with the Davis Family the other night. Their oldest daughter gave me this home made card.  This in the best! I am so motivated to help this wonderful family sell their home in Spanish Fork and purchase a larger home.  Thank you Quynsie. - JD  PS - Watch for their home to come on the market March 9th.'
While Jason and I met with the Davis Family the other night. Their oldest daughter gave me this home made card. This in the best! I am so motivated to help this wonderful family sell their home in Spanish Fork and purchase a larger home. Thank you Quynsie. P.S. Watch for their home to come on the market March 9th.

Things just got real up in here at our house:

We are constantly telling Carson this:

Your penis won't fall off and other things boys need to know

My dearest sons,
You know the dangly appendage that occupies your thoughts and/or your hands for a large percentage of the day? Well, as a concerned mother, I feel it’s my duty to enlighten you on the subject of your penis.
Now, never having been in possession of one myself, I can’t be considered an outright expert, but I’d like to think that my experience raising you counts for something. After all, I’ve seen enough nakedness around this piece to rival any nude resort. So, for you, and any other boys out there, here are nine things you should know about your penis.
1. Relax; Your penis won’t fall off.  It will stay right there in your pants (provided you’re wearing any), so you can stop clutching it while you watch TV and falling asleep with it in your fingers. In fact, it will be with you for the rest of your life, so maybe you should think about being a little less rough with it.
2. One exception: Having a firm grip on it is encouraged – and preferred – when using the toilet. It’s floppy, and when you don’t have it under control, you spray like a leaky hose.
3. Keep it in your drawers, ok? (This is a piece of advice that will have a different, but equally significant, meaning during your teen years – so don’t forget it.) There’s really no need to lay it on your brother’s arm. Or dip it in your chocolate milk. Or poke it through the hole of a DVD. Or wrap it around your eating utensils. Or your pencil. Or your brother’s pencil.
4. It might not hurt you when you stretch it out ten miles long like it’s made of rubber, but it hurts me just looking at it, so stop.
5. On rare occasions, you may actually let go of it in order to grasp something else. Like a sandwich, or your brother’s face. In the event of such occasions, hand-washing before you touch anything else is the courteous (and sanitary) thing to do.

Somehow Carson made it past me this morning. I didn't even notice until we were walking in the door after school. It was also pajama day for the 3 younger kids.
'Carson somehow made it past me this morning.  I didn't notice till we were walking in the house'

I blame Justin our realtor for this mess. He told us to de-clutter so that is what we are doing but man is a mess up in here. We sold 2 of our bookshelves and our couch. We are getting new couches that will fit our family a bit better. They are a dark brown instead of the lighter color.

Breanna Sly Davis's photo. 

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