It's a Crazy Life...But it's Our Life...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 9

'It has been a busy day.  I forgot to give Carson his medicine do I had to run it to the school then not long after that Quynsie calls from the nurses office and tells me she dropped a 35 lb weight on her wrist that she broke 2 years agoso I went and got her took her to instacare. Thank goodness it's not broken but she still had to wear this brace for a good week.

On a brighter note our house went up for sale today and we might have a showing scheduled for tomorrow already.'
It has been a busy day. I forgot to give Carson his medicine do I had to run it to the school then not long after that Quynsie calls from the nurses office and tells me she dropped a 35 pound weight on her wrist that she broke 2 years ago so I went and got her took her to instacare. Thank goodness it's not broken but she still had to wear this brace for a good week.
On a brighter note our house went up for sale today and we might have a showing scheduled for tomorrow already.
Well it is official, our home is now listed on the market. I am still in shock that we are even moving forward with this. We have talked about it off and on for the past year and a half. We even remolded our kitchen thinking that it would help with the flow of things. Well, it helped with the flow of things, in the kitchen that is, just not in the rest of the house or outside. We have finally decided that moving to a bigger home with a yard for the kids to play in and in a real neighborhood where they can walk across the street to play with friends without us worrying so much if they are going to get hit, is more important than staying where we are comfortable and have established ourselves. This is the longest we have ever lived in one place. (including when I was a kid) 
Being Mommy's photo.
I have been teasing the girls about this all day. They don't find it as comical as I do. LOL
'Carson just came in the house and I asked why he didn't have his shirt on and he said because I wanted to look handsome.'
Carson just came in the house and I asked why he didn't have his shirt on and he said because I wanted to look handsome.

I'm telling you this boy is killing me. I just asked him what his dad is doing and he said I don't know but he sure is doi'n good.
 Alice 105.9's photo.
Haha I said something simular to Quynsie this morning. To bad I didn't get the chance to find out if my hunch was right because she ended up smashing her hand and I had to take her to get it checked out. I would have much rather found out of my hunch was right or wrong than to have her injured.
It still seems so weird to have the for sale sign in front of our home. This is where we put our roots down and made a home. This is where we built our eternal family. This is where we have made so many great friends and built on some friendships that we already had prior to moving here. We have established ourselves in our ward and because of these things it will be hard to leave but we also know that we are doing what is best for our family and this is what God has planned for us.
'AMEN ✋'
Isn't this the truth!!!!!!!!!


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