!['Great quote by @[22763902504:274:Billy Graham]'](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10384291_789856461046217_8356890796333899626_n.png?oh=a6e400ee4a9c34a7545a1786f815de33&oe=55A60E77&__gda__=1437087486_3a6292b75edf886db80cec4fd53960d7)
People think we allow Carson to disrespect us but what they don't know or understand is that he is a special needs child and cannot control himself. It is going to take years of Joe and I reassuring him that we love him and no matter what he does we will still be here for him. He is purposely pushing our buttons testing us to see if we are going to leave him. After all these kids have been through it is a wonder how they survived in the first place. Our kids blame themselv...es for not being with their birth parents. They think their behavior is the reason for not being with their birth family. Yes as adults we think logically and know better but as children they just blame themselves. So the next time you see a child disrespecting their parents don't be so quick to judge. Take a moment and think maybe this child is special needs and nothing is going to fix the behavior except years and years of reassuring that child that they are loved and wanted more than anything in this world.
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